Marcella Smith - Fine-Art Artist / Pottery & Sculpture

MARCELLA SMITH is a 3D Fine-Art Artist that brings to her audience an unusual dance in dripping colors and spirit. Using bright beautiful multicolor High-fire Glazes, Semiprecious Gems, and Flowing Designs on her POTTERY & SCULPTURE, she achieves the movement and 'meanings' she strives for in each original piece! Passionate people do Passionate things, let your Passion develop in yourself and the people you influence! Bonded Bronze is a speciality!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

This is the first post on this blog.
Thank you for your visit,
if you have anything
to say about myself or my artwork
thenplease feel free to post.

This piece was called 'Family', it was at a wonderful Southwestern Art Gallery called 'Spirits in the Wind' Gallery in Golden Colorado.
It sold for $750.

Marcella Smith


  • At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This "Family," how large is it and of what medium?

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Marcella Smith said…

    Hello Paul, this is the description I used of it on my site,

    'FAMILY' - approx 22 INCHES - $795

    by Marcella Smith, is on walnut base, small pieces lining the openings of the robes are small cut out pieces of clay that was then mosaic onto the piece before glaze fire, there are over 500 individual pieces taking many hours of intense work by Marcella in her studio. The faces are exposed clay with her famous secret terra sig that has absorbed the atmosphere off of the robe during it's 2,100 degree fire, this fine art piece is made of stoneware.

    This piece was actually sold a few months ago. It is a great piece and I enjoyed making it.


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